
I’rom Group’s corporate philosophy, including any subsidiaries and affiliates, is to ensure that all personal information are handled confidentially in a complete and capable manner with the goal of continued improvement. In order to earn the trust of the clients as well as society, we have established a security policy, hereafter referred to as policy.

The scope of this guideline

All information assets, including personal information, managed by the I’rom Group related to its business activities.


The I’rom Group adheres to all laws as well as guidelines and standards established by the Government.

Establishment of the security policy

In order to protect and properly manage personal information, the I’rom Group has established a management system as well as a system to handle urgent security incidents.
We also have a designated individual responsible for personal information security as well as improving the security of private information.

Creation of disciplines in the Security policy

We must establish any rules and standard to be installed internally in order to handle the security information correctly, smoothly and protect these confidentialities against any risks.

Implementation of security system

In order to ensure safe management of our information assets. The I’rom Group strives to prevent security mishaps. In the event, there is a security incident, we will quickly respond to minimize damage and work to prevent similar incidents in the future. there.

In-house Security policy education and training installed

All employees and employers in the I’rom Group are being educated and trained on the security policy to ensure that information assets are appropriately used and managed.

Periodic evaluation and continued security improvement

The I’rom Group strives to maintain efforts to ensure information security. In order to meet the challenges of changing business conditions and the external social environment, we periodically evaluate the management of security and seek to make continued improvement as needed.

Toyotaka Mori
President & CEO  I’rom Group Co., Ltd.